ive probably explained why before...
mom got religion when i was about 10. There followed a time in my life where i was taken to meetings--and out of school assembly. I got baptised at 14 because other kids in the cong were--and my dad decided to get dipped at the same assembly. So i did too as not to be left out.
i couldnt wait to leave school--at 15, and started work. Heard Ron Drage ( DO ) banging on about pioneering--so i thought that would be cool. Tried it for a few weeks--nope--hated that too.
By about 17 i wanted a girlfriend--and met one at yet another assembly. Her parents were ultra zealots--circuit shining lights--and i was suddenly the new kid on the block. Moved to their cong--went pioneering again--19 now. was made a servant--all good stuff to polish my inflated ego. Started doing public talks--home and away. I was treated like a rock star. But all this was to please others--parents--girlfriend--big circle of "friends" all over the circuit.
We married when i was 20---in order to have sex. Both pioneering.
Then my life went all wrong--in their eyes. I knew i didnt love my wife--in fact--didnt even like her. Hated pioneering--wanted a proper full time job--a career.
Forwards to my early/ mid 20s--1975 looming!!--and my wife was pregnant. In line with Watchtower teaching--i thought long and hard about blood transfusions--what if my wife needed one--or what about the child ?
Then it hit me hard--like a blinding light--what was i doing here--i had no interest in god--or his stupid religion. I was only living a lie--and that was the end for me.